Chapter 5 Progress Report


As it's been about 2 months since our last update, we wanted to give readers an update on where the project stands in regard to the next update. Currently, the plan is to release Chapter 5, which will include a major branch, all at once, rather than release it in two parts, as we did for Chapter 4. This chapter is anticipated to be the largest update to the game yet, and will greatly lengthen it. The final wordcount for Ch. 5 is projected to be between 37,000 and 49,000 words, which will nearly double the overall WC.

Between April and May, we have written approximately 14,750 words for Trouble Brewing. This breaks down into about 1,530 words for a major scene that will be implemented in a future chapter, and 13,220 words for chapter 5. As of this time:

  1. The Ch. 5 introduction is complete (~8k). 
  2. R&Q's deviation is approximately 25% complete. (~3k)
  3. None of S&A's deviation is written. It is still in the outline stages. 
  4. About 50% of the chapter ending is completed. (~2k)

I would like to be able to tell y'all about when Chapter 5 will be complete, but it depends on our obligations. We thank everyone for their patience as we work on this project. 

In other news, we conducted a popularity poll on our Tumblr, which Quinn won by a landslide. Sloan/e came in second, and Al and Reese tied for last.  

-- John, Maudine, and Doug

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